Distance hurts more than anything in the world.

But you don't have to see or be with that person everyday to be in love.
A large part of being in a relationship is having someone to be with and share your life with. It's very comforting to have a shoulder to cry on or lean on, get a hug for support, get a kiss or sweet smile. But hey! Look at us, we're trying to defy the distance. I know that we can still do things together even if we're soooooo far from each other. We're not seeing each other everyday, but we talk a lot - substantive and detailed. We maintain our emotional connection. Tbis is very challenging though. It's hard to avoid jealousy and be completely trusting. We both know that one of the easiest ways to destroy a relationship is to poison it with jealousy. May be one thing that we should bear in mind is that when we start an LDR, we have to be realistic, road ahead will be rough.
Don't fall in the trap of interrogating your partner every time he/she decides to go out for a drink with people you haven't met or he/she didn't get back to you right away when you called and left a message. It's not like he's/she's cheating on you. Paranoid! Even if we are committed with someone, we still have our own social life, considering the parameters you set on the relationship. Being suspicious is very unhealthy for you and your relationship.

Staying positive and not focusing on the negative aspects of a long-distance relationship is essential to keeping your relationship blooming and your partner content. Being in an LDR is only a temporary state. Since I'm far away from Dadi, I asked him to send me one of his favorite things so in a time of need, when I miss him, I'm able to hold on to something that once belonged to him. He gave me his poloshirt with his scent on it. Sometimes I wear it or I put it on as my pillow case.
Never feel that you are alone.
No matter how far the distance is, remember that you are still in a relationship. LDR and CDR is almost the same--only you are actually physically absent, distance permitting of course.
LDR like mine is worth the sacrifice because we both know that we'll be together anytime soon.
We fight the distance. We communicate and we talk about our future together.
In our heart, we really hope that one day, we will never be apart. Not even a step away.
I am his everything like he's my everything.