Thursday, 10 June 2010

We, Now I.

Well, I just feel good. I really feel good. Right now, I feel good knowing you care about me. I feel good knowing you see me now for who I am when I'm not with you.

When we're together, half side of the universe were jealous. Us against the universe. Each time I'm out without you, people asked why I came alone, as if your picture was stuck in my face. We are sometimes to good to be true.

I was laughing whenever you sing out of tune, pretending to like it. It was sweet. I love how you smile at me when I said something silly. Our relationship was nearly perfect. This is a happy one, or at least it is to me.

I made mistakes all the time, inevitable. And I wasn't sure if leaving you behind was a mistake. Leaving you felt normal-hurtful- so horrid the next. Did I put everything at risk when I left? Well, honesty is never questioned in our relationship or was I deeply blind not to see the truth. There's a lot of anticipation going on and I thought that we'd grow up eventually on our own. You, there and Me, here. I was hoping that everything will still be the same. I've been one to fantasize about the future after 3 years...I want to be anywhere my love is. I have always thought of you. Day and night. I became more open to possibilities when my feet landed here. But those possibilities were pretty much positive. My seconds, minutes, hours, days and nights away from you were my up's, down's and in-betweens. Your love was incredible. I remembered how I always fought for you because even if it doesn't work you're just simply worth it.

Someone once said: "I will accept you for who you are and not for who I want you to be."
May be at some point I failed to do that, but more often than not, I knew I accepted you in my life wholeheartedly.

25th of May, 2010. Are my actions read back to me? As far as I know, And that is, for me the most frightening at all. It felt gigantic, relatively trivial yet important as I learned from it. Now I can see how you're trying to work on the baggage you carry around. I can't totally say that we're so over, as it still bugs me. I knew it was the right thing for us to have this space. I felt better now though the bad feeling kept on sneaking in once in awhile.
Well, I just want to emphasize here that, I am not just an ordinary girl, I am important. I know I am.

I feel that I need to tell this to you. Actually not just you- but to everyone:

No muss, no fuss.

- J

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